Deep Connection
As I sit at my dining table, the smell and sound of morning coffee in the air and the winter sun on my feet, my son doing his slow wake up on the soft velvet sofa I look at the blur of green though the original bubble glass (the same glass my grandmother had in her house) and feel all is right with the world. My senses are alive, memories are being had and formed, this is our place.
In our journey through life, true connection with our surroundings transcends mere visual interaction. When we are fully immersed in our environments, we give meaning to every corner and weave stories into the fabric of our spaces. There is an abundance of architecture in our modern world that has ‘wow’ factor but spaces that engage only our sight offer a superficial, two-dimensional experience, they do not leave a deep sensory imprint on us. Too often we are inhabiting a 'junk food’ version of space.
Our bodies crave a deeper connection, one that engages all our senses. Real connection emerges when objects, people, and places intertwine, forming a tapestry of shared experiences and memories.
Denying ourselves this multisensory engagement deprives us of an authentic, three-dimensional human experience. It is my mission to create homes that are real, in a velveteen rabbit kind of way, the realness born out of emotional connection and full sensory experience.
How do you connect with home?